Following an unfortunate circumstance in 2015, in which Mzuzu Library caught fire and property worth K6 was lost, Capital Hill will bankroll the re-construction of the library, as revealed by Mzuni’s Vice Chancellor Professor John Kalenga Saka.
Speaking to Malawi News Agency, the Saka did not reveal how much Captial Hill pledged on the project, but he said that the funds will be made available through Public Sector Improvement program. By June this year, it was estimated that the new modern library of international standard at Mzuzu University will cost K25 billion, also revealed by the Chancellor. In June, Saka described the project as complex, as it will be implemented in phases. “In the first phase, we will use K6 billion,” outlined Saka, “In the second phase, we will have another allocation and continue to do so until we have the structure in place”
Finally, Saka confirmed that the reconstruction work is set to start within the first quarter of 2020. Meanwhile, the university has been using its entertainment hall as a temporary library. Established in 1997 by the administration of President Bakili Muluzi as Malawi’s second university to increase university student uptake, Mzuni is located in Mzuzu, the northern region’s only city. It enrolls 4,000 students