FDH Bank plc has registered a profit after tax of K4.55 billion in 2020, according to an unaudited summary of consolidated and separate financial results for the half-year ended June 30 2021.8.2
The profit is an increase from K3.223 billion achieved over a similar period in 2020, while a statement by the bank outlines that the 2021 Covid-19 pandemic had an effect on the half-year performance, as economic activities continued to be suppressed as a result of the second wave of infections.
Figures in the statement show that net interest income grew by 70% on the back of the increase in the loan book and other interest bearing assets and interest expense which grew by 3%, reflecting the growth of the Bank’s deposits. An interim dividend of K2.3 billion has been approved, in respect of 2021 half-year profits representing 33 tambala (K0.33) per share.