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We recommend you check the details of Pricing Plans before changing. Click Here
Company History
Builders world was established in 1991,the company is 25years old and is still building its way up and successfully growing strong.
What the Company does
We import as well as distribute building, plumbing, construction and electrical materials, which consist of a range of materials. We have also been supplying to various companies including NGO, Government departments and other organizations throughout the country
Vision Statement
To be the company that acknowledges the necessities of the market, consequently allowing that the necessities of the market by working with each customer closely, in order to comprehend their prerequisites
Mission Statement
Our mission Is to accomplish clear distinctiveness and control in building trade and distribution of complete chain of products, commencing from foundation to the roof
We ensure that our Company complies with all the pertinent laws and regulations. We provide towards betterment of our staff and provide them with the best of facilities
Business Goals and Objectives
Increase Quality
Reduce cost
Reduce delivery time
Implement change faster
1000% customer satisfaction
Competiveness in the Market
Business Concept
Our business concept is to draw the interest of customers into making business with our company builders World, as we want to ensure that customer satisfaction is met at all times.
By customers being content with the products and services we provide, we will result in boosting our sales, enabling to focus in displaying and providing new products to our customers to ensure their requirements are met at all times
We will ensure 100% customer satisfaction to be met as this holds as a main priority of our business
Services provided to customers
The sectors we cover in order to complete major projects arount Malawi, fulfilling the requirements of NGO,s and customers include:
Agriculture & Food security
Capacity building(construction)
Youth Development
HIV and Aids
Sanitation and Hygine
Climate Change
Orphan care
Child care
Water and sanitation
Family planning
Infrastructure & Development
Widow Care
Community based projects
Skills and Training Project
Products Supplied to Customers
Building and Construction Materials
Roofing materials
All steel products
Paints and stains
Doors and Frames
Windows and frames
Safety and protective wear
Carpentry tools
Plumbing items
Electrical items
Sanitary wear and fittings
Bicycles and spares
Galvanised Pipes and fittings
Agriculture tools
PVC Pipes and Fittings
Floor & Wall tiles
Cleaning Materials
Plywood and block boards
All types of boards
All types of nails
All other building and construction materials
Other Materials:
Mosquito Nets
Computers and Accessory
Safety Products