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Energem Petroleum is an Oil Marketing Company operating in both the wholesale and retail sector of the Petroleum Industry in Malawi.
We built and operate depots in both the commercial centers of Malawi; Blantyre and Lilongwe. We have been operational since September 2005.
Energem operates a fleet of five trucks, servicing 13 retail outlets and numerous wholesale customers throughout Malawi.
Energem Petroleum employs over 60 Malawians, at our depots and filling stations. We are the largest independent Petroleum Importer in Malawi.
Energem Malawi is split between Energem Properties Limited which is the investment and asset management company and Energem Petroleum Limited which is the fuel trading company.
Blantyre Depot:
The Blantyre Depot, situated in the Chirimba Industrial area, was the first depot commissioned by Energem Petroleum in Malawi. The depot commenced operations in September 2005 and is the most modern fuel storage depot in Malawi.
Storage capacity at the Blantyre depot is just over 1.3 million litres.
The depot also has the capability of blending ethanol with petrol as per Government specifications.
Lilongwe Depot:
The Lilongwe depot, situated in Area 25, was rented from January 2014. Presently it is mainly used to store diesel and petrol. It is also used for our bitumen distribution.
Storage capacity at the Lilongwe depot is 635,000 litres.
Future plans for the Lilongwe depot are to place 23,000 litres of storage for Paraffin.
The depot is ideally situated near the tobacco floors and most large trucking companies offices and yards, making it ideal for COC (Customer Own Collection) customers.
Customer Mini Depots
(Off site tanks)
Energem Petroleum also supplies select wholesale customers with on-site storage tanks. Energem supplies the petroleum products for the tanks. These tanks are multi-purpose tanks and are filled with diesel and petrol.
Our main clients are small mines and farmers.
Bitumen Supplies
Energem Petroleum supplies Bitumen Emulsion products to small and medium sized enterprises in Malawi as well as Government institutions who are involved in road maintenance projects.
The two main products supplied are emulsions and pen grade 80/100 bitumen.
All bitumen is imported from South Africa and is distributed in 200 litre drums.
Filling Stations
Energem Petroleum currently has 13 filling stations throughout Malawi in the Central, Southern and Lake shore regions. There are three business models that have been adopted for the retail stations and they can be broken down as follows. During 2015 we added 3 new stations. With a forth June 2016
Rental agreements 2
Franchise agreements 8
Supply agreements 3
Total 13
Energem Petroleum currently has a total storage capacity at our retail stations of 413,000 litres
Retail Footprint
All these stations are strategically located to ensure maximum throughput on major roads or previously subserviced areas. Our stations are focused around the important business hubs within Malawi.
Energem Petroleum believes in maintaining a high level of safety standards at all our stations. All our station owners, managers and staff are trained on a regular basis to ensure that all our stations operate at the highest standards possible.
Local Community Projects
In 2008 Energem got extensively involved in Local Community Projects ranging from Golf Tournaments to Rural food support.
Energem is a well established company in Malawi and has definitely contributed to the Malawian economy as a foreign investor.
We currently have five branded Gemstores. They are equipped with fridges, freezers, air conditioning and ice making machines.
At our Gemstores we only stock top quality products and are geared to fulfill the need in convenience shopping in Malawi. Our Gemstores are uniquely branded and our main focus is on the convenient, one stop shopping.