The month of May 2019 has started with good news for MTL subscribers, as MTL has reduced voice tariffs as follows;
On-net (Prepaid)
Tariffs in this category were K70.20 per minute during peak hours, now reduced to K30 per minute. Off-peak is now at K30 per minute, from K 35.40.
On-net (Postpaid)
From K50 per minute, the rate has been reduced to K20 during peak hours, while off-peak hours offered a price of K40 per minute, which has been slashed by half, to K20 per minute.
Off-net (Prepaid)
At peak hours, the rates were K90 per minute; the new price is K39.10 per minute. Prepaid customers will also enjoy off-peak rates of of K39.10 per minute, compared to the past K55.20 per minute.
Off-net (Postpaid)
Customers can now enjoy an affordable rate of K30.51 during peak hours, which was priced at K50 per minute. On the other hand, off-peak hours are at K30.51, a drop from K46 per minute.