The 2018 Population and Housing Census (2018 PHC) was conducted by the National Statistical Office (NSO). The 2018 PHC is the sixth in the series having conducted the previous ones in 1966, 1977, 1987, 1998 and 2008. This report presents the main results of the 2018 Population and Housing Census (PHC) that was conducted from 3 – 23 September 2018 by the National Statistical Office (NSO).
The report shows that the Southern Region had the highest population with 44% of the total population. Central Region is the second most populous with 43% while Northern Region constitutes 13% of the total population.
According to the definition adopted by the census, a person was considered literate if he or she was reported to be able to read and write a simple sentence in any language. During the census enumeration, persons eligible to answer this question were those aged 3 years and above. In this report, literacy is reported for persons aged 5 years and over. There were 15.0 million persons aged 5 years and older and out of these 10.3 million persons were literate, representing 68.6% literacy rate. There were more literate men than women, 71.6% and 65.9% respectively. The Northern Region had the highest literacy rate at 79.0% then the Central and Southern Regions at 67.0%
Working Age Population
In this report working population comprised all persons aged 15 to 64 years. Out of 17,563,749 persons enumerated, 9,188, 275 (52.3%) were persons aged 15 to 64 years. Of these 6,614,065 were economically active at 72% and 2,574,210 were economically inactive, representing 28%.