Customers have smiled on Rab Processsors Limited, voting for it once again as the best manufacturing company. In December 2017, Rabs won this very award, handed by the Chartered Institute of Customer Management. Celebrating the consecutive win, Biznews had a chat with the Rab Processor’s Chief Executive Officer, Ahmed Sunka.
Biznews: What does this award mean to Rab Processors?
Ahmed Sunka: Winning the award consecutively for 2 years means that various consumers still have satisfaction and confidence in our products; this boosts morale not only for the brand and board members, but our staff too, knowing that they are doing a remarkable job.
Biznews: Obviously Rab is now expected to deliver nothing lesser than excellent; what is being done to ensure you are worth the awards?
Ahmed Sunka: Our persistence, our determination, our motivation and our drive is the same as that of a startup; the need to satisfy customers, the need to keep them coming back, the production of competitive products was there when we started and we will always have the zeal of a startup. That spirit is what has kept us going all these years.
Biznews: Any new products lined up for 2019?
Ahmed Sunka: A lot is in store for 2019, that will be disclosed in due time; for now we want to appreciate our customers and consumers for believing in us so much that they once again voted for us to win the best manufacturing category; we won’t let them down.