Following revelation that Salima Sugar Company Limited registered coronavirus cases from workers that recently arrived in India, the Ministry of Health has directed
that factory operations at the Company should be suspended “forthwith until further notice” signed by responsible Minister Khumbize Kandodo Chiponda, who outlined what must be done in the meantime.
According to a letter addressed to the company, the government has directed that all confirmed COVID-19 cases be placed under institutional isolation, and that all others working at the factory be placed under institutional quarantine. “It is further directed that the factory premises and environment be comprehensively fumigated at the cost of the company.” reads part of the letter, “ Furthermore, it is recommended that those that will remain negative after 14 days’ quarantine, should be offered COVID-19 vaccination.
The minister exercised the directive under section 29 of the Public Health Act (Cap. 34:01) Public Health (Corona Virus and COVID-19 _ (Prevention, Containment and Management) (Amendment) (No 2) Rules, 2021. “These directives are meant to contain the ongoing transmission, and clean the working factory environment of any background viral contamination.” reads the letter.a